Everybody remembers “Johnny Cabs” from the famous futuristic movie that told us to “get your ass to Mars”, but for Residents of Singapore the future is now!
By the end of 2016 there will be driverless pods on Singapore’s streets and roads. The electric powered people carriers are the brainchild of transportation operators SMRT and Dutch designers 2getthere. These new pods can carry up to 24 passengers at a time, and are much like the ones that are already in operation at Abu Dhabi’s “cleantech” business park, Masdar City.
2gethere and SMRT also worked together to create the 10 car system of pods that shuttle 4 to 6 passengers around the business park in 2014. The benefits are obvious; no petrol based fuel, no employees, and efficient non stop transportation.
2getthere also created a similar vehicle pool for Rotterdam’s Rivium Business Park, and expects to expand the services throughout the world. SMRT is the 2nd largest transportation operator in Singapore and has operations in Hong Kong as well as the Middle East.
SEE ALSO: Electric Cars Are Charged While Driving In UK’s Road Testing
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