In 2013, the master doodler named Kerby Rosanes released an epic coloring book with lots of cute doodles that is not just for the kids, it’s actually fun for all ages, even adults. The book is called Doodle Invasion and it is filled with 50 unique and very detailed drawings that are easily recognized as Kerby’s style. The Philippines based artist has been featured a couple of times around the internet for his extremely detailed and adorable doodles so it’s no surprise this book is a huge hit.
When it first came out the internet fell in love with it and it was instantly got featured on various blogs ” After months of its release, my followers kept sending me messages about how they enjoyed the book and its cute doodles. Some said that it is a coloring book on ” steroids ” while some adults said that they helped their kids complete every single page by making it a cool bonding moment for the entire family. While some fearlessly taking the challenge to color it. others just stare at it and appreciate it for the art, they don’t want to spoil it”
The book was so successful that it is now being released in several languages – Polish, German, French, Spanish and Italian. you can get them on We can also share with you that there are talks of a volume 2 and other publishers have contacted Kerby for four more books. Below are a few images from the book, some are untouched but others are colored by Kerby’s Instagram fans, don’t you feel like taking out your pencils?
Kerby Rosanes released his book of cute doodles in 2013 and it was an instant hit
The doodles may look childish, but it turned out that a lot of adults love this book too
Kerby is known for his extremely detailed doodles that you need to look twice to figure them out
You can see more of his work and cute doodles on the following links: website | facebook | Instagram
Source: MyModernMet