Life is tough. Especially if you’re a broke college student trying to make it in the world. There are a lot of parties that you need to go, special nights out with friends that you are obliged to attend, so most of your money will go there in no time. You’ve got to do something to compensate on the more trivial part of life: food, showering, library, chairs. Yes, ain’t nobody got time for that, but they hit you right in the head sometimes, so you gotta’ make time for that.
That’s where students become the most ingenious persons in the world. Probably, their inventions could make it in the top 100 most important inventions in the world if they were promoted right. I mean, could you imagine what you could do with an iron machine, a tennis racket and a hair blow dryer? EVERYTHING!
You don’t have to believe us! Just take a look below!
1. When broke, anything will do
2.It’s year 2050 and broke college students are still doing this
3. Nacho cheese warmer, take this!
4. There are a lot of things that you could do with a shopping cart. Just ask a broke student!
5. Your shower needs fixing. No problem!
6. We don’t see the problem here
7. Work, work, eat, blow dry your food, eat again, work…
8. Shortage of eating ustensils? No problem!
9. Save electricity money while it’s still freezing cold outside
10. Broke students are quite ingenious
11. This might be the work of a broke construction engineering student
12. Who needs cake candles?
13. There are so many possible usages to this kitchen tool…
14. Who needs headlights when it’s daylight?
15. Using everything you have around the house is a gift
16. Improvising, every broke college student’s talent
17. “Yo, how do we cut the pizza?”
18. No idea what happened here…
19. Ain’t nobody got time for washing dishes
20. The invention of the year 2070
21. Wondering what happened to that bus…
22. When you don’t want to waste a buck on a couple of new socks
23. No trash bin? Grab a chair!
Images: Reddit