Tattoo artist Flavia Carvalho gives free tattoos to women who have suffered domestic abuse and helps them cover any physical scars they have have. In her project called ” A Pele da Flor ” The Skin of the Flower – Flavia has helped many women in the past two years cover their scars of knives or bullets wounds with beautiful flower tattoos free of charge. Some might say she transformes these unpleasant mementos into a tool of emporwerement.
Her studio is in Curitiba, Brazil ” I started the project quite recently , and I had no idea it would receive this much media attention, it began very spontaneously. As I said, my services are a hundred precent voluntary, and the only ” cost ” women need to invest is to choose a design for their tattoos! ” More info: Facebook
” It all started two years ago when a client wanted to cover a large scar on her abdomen “
” She told me that she was at a nightclub, and when she turned down a man who approached her, he stabbed her with a switchblade “
” When she saw the finished tattoo, she was extremely moved, and that deeply touched me “
” The one that shocked me the most was the story of a 17-year-old who dated an older man, and, for months, suffered from the physically abusive relationship “
” When he wanted to break up with her,he scheduled a meeting, and after they began to fight, he stabbed her several times in her abdomen, and violently raped her “
She also does free tattoos for women who had to go mastectomy
This practical tattoo covers up a bullet wound
Source: Boredpanda