Now, after reading this title, please do not put your aesthetic judge glasses on and start making judges as how they look. Please put your funny and warm human glasses on and start making judgements on how funny and good they look, especially because they are doing it for a great cause.
Who are they? They are the “Merb’ys”, a Canadian breed of bearded mermen. If you didn’t know, mermen are some sort of mermaids, but who suffered a kind of curse and became men. Just kidding.
What you are about to see in the images below are the gentlemen of Newfoundland and Labrador Beard and Moustache Club. They are making a calendar to raise money for Spirit Horse NL. Spirit Horse NL is an organisation fighting to help people with mental problems.
The calendar costsĀ $25.00 and it can be ordered here. You can also see a preview of the calendar below. You will behold some men, some bearded men,pardon… some bearded mermen posing in pumpkin patches, in pubs, on beaches, rocky sea shores and so on. We think they are looking lovely and they are some good fellows for doing it.
The idea came from Hasan Hai, the founder of the bearded and moustache club. He then posted an “open call to the universe” on social media and received an unexpected 70 or 80 responses from people who wanted to get in touch with him, offering to model or photograph. Talking about Spirit Horse NL, the organization for which he wants to raise money, Hai says: “It basically uses horses to provide equine therapy for people with mental illness, people who want to live better lives, people with physical limitation”
So, what do you think of the calendar? Would you hang it on your wall? Or would you just buy it and keep it hidden, just to look at it from time to time and feel good about yourself for purchasing it?
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