A new trend has appeared on the web lately, pop out gif AKA 3d gifs! it’s a simple trick that animated gif creators use to fool our brain in thinking these images are popping out of the screen. It’s a simple hack honestly, but the way our minds work makes it look like these are actual 3D popping out gifs from the screen. If you want to know how these work, please keep reading.
How does the pop out gif work?
It’s very simple actually, all you need to do is create a white frame inside the gif you want to create, so when the moving parts of the gif go over the white frame, it looks like the object is sticking out of the screen when in reality it’s just a simple illusion. Pretty cool right?
Browse the gallery below and let us know in the comment section which one was your favorite. We think the squirrel one from the movie Ice Age is the best one.