Soon after facebook introduced their new timeline with the cover image, many people began using this new space in very creative ways, below we have a list of 47 funny facebook cover photos of people and profile who really took hold of this space and made it their own.
Some created a funny looking picture while others really wanted to use the extra space to convey a bigger picture issue. What ever they use it for, the list below i pretty creative and cool.
Funny Facebook Cover Photos Gallery
1. Walking on my cover, the first in the funny facebook cover photos list
2. Cool Where’s Waldo Facebook cover
3. Creative passport facebook timeline cover photo
4. Great use of the profile pic with the timeline cover image
5. Remember the popular game Doom?
6. Turntable, probably a DJ facebook page cover
7. The puppet master. I love creative ideas like this one
8. HELP! I’m stuck in the washing machine cover
9. Polaroids everywhere, as far as the eye can see
10. Epic Duck Hunt retro NES game cover
11. Again using the profile picture as part of the whole cover image
12. Touching god. The creation of Adam
13. Passed out facebook image cover
14. Ad space for sale on this guy’s cover timeline
15. Vintage Solitaire end of game screen cover
16. Cartoon lineup cover image that i love very much
17. Funny Facebook cover photo before there was a timeline
18. Just out of my reach cover image. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
19. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out background facebook image
20. Pouring paint on my head facebook cover image
21. Perfect use of the profile picture to create a bigger facebook cover photo
22. Super Mario brothers
23. Using every little space he’s got, creative image
24. Fear the cat! Great example of the facebook cover picture
25. Nuclear explosion cover photo.
26. Security footage cover picture
27. God taking back his hamburger from a dog. LOL
28. How i see when wearing a bucket on my head
29. 404 Facebook cover not found
30. Don’t worry, you’re fine. My favorite of the funny facebook cover photos list
31. Houston, we have a problem – Epic facebook cover photo by Daniel Christian F
32. I’m guessing this guy really loves Angry Birds. By Enri Pedernera
33.Big fan of the movie Ghostbusters is this guy Jonathan Gunn
34. Cool tribute to the Muppets. Love it! By Jay Hershberger
35. Seriously, everyone played Mario Kart at least once in their life, great cover by Jordan Joseph
36. Really creative cover art work by Marcel Mittestainer Rocha
37. Nathan Linder can really work his magic right?
38. Awesome job Javier Salmona
39. Graziano Vincini is a huge Planet Express fan for sure
40. Darrick Collins showing off some photoshop skills
41.The classic holding my own head in my hand cover. By La’amore Roma
42. Loving sharks, the closes you will ever get to see one I guess. by Maarten Walraven
43. Amazing shadow play by Natalie Iurchenko
44. Awesome mashup picture by Oliver Elsner
45. Getting kicked in the face never looked so real. By Andin Hoti
46. Fist bumping an eagle is the ultimate level of cool. Great job Aural Phoenix
47. Epic Street of Rage tribute on the Sega Console by Dan Birch
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