Be a smart consumer, don’t just throw your money away. Use this list to save your money and learn a few tricks along the way – you’re welcome
1: I knew it!
2: Sounds easy enough
3: I’m gonna have to try this one
4: This is evil, but genius!
5: Next time I’m buying a car, I’m doing this!
6: Yup, this is the bit ” secret ” – eat a little bit less and excersice
7: But what if I don’t actually live in California?
8: I have to remember this
9: A smart man is someone who knows he doesn’t know everything
10: I thought it was free anyway
11: Really? that good to know
12: Everything becomes more expensive when you mention the word wedding
13: Easy and smart
14: Not sure about this one, healthy people get sick sometimes too
15: How is that possible? doesn’t make sense
16: The power of advertising baby
17: We all know this, but we keep buying them anyway
18: Very informative
19: So i can actually shop without paying a dime? Damn
20: You have the right to remain silent
21: You lost me at IRS
22: Because they want you to spend more and buy faster
Source: Imgur