The word tattoo dates back to the 18th century and comes from Polynesia, the explorer James Cook which returned from there in 1771 and while you think the Samoan people were quite proficient in tattoos, it has already been a known art form in Europe under other names, Staining, Pricking and other nicknames were given to the act of getting inked. Not surprisingly, sailors were the ones to introduce the new word tattoo and they also made it more popular to get one, while doing so they unwillingly branded the art to be associated with rowdy types. In more recent years getting a tattoo was considered an act of rebellion and people getting them were usually categorized as ruffians, scallywags and other names for people who are up to no good. But fortunately today is a different story, with the social media age exploding on the world tattoos are slowly gaining mainstream acceptance. in another 15 years or so the little kids of today will not be able to get a tattoo as an act of rebellious as most of their parents already have one or ten. The images below show that you could be a loving parent and still look awesome with your sleeve tattoo and in today’s world they don’t brand a person as a rebel or any less than any other person, they are just another way to express yourself
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