So remember this article Sleeveface ? which sort of took over the internet by storm a while back , so this is the same logic but this time its with movie covers instead of music cover , same idea , different cover . amazing ! below are the 15 best movie sleeveface we could find , if you have your own and think it should be on this list , please don’t hesitate and add it in the comments , enjoy
1 : Edward Scissorhands – but what’s with the orange hair ?
2 : E.T – but this is just all over the place – Upvote this only because of the custome
3 : Scream – Positioning is good but the hat is ruining it
4 : Jaws – LMAO
5 : Lord of the rings – excellent , this is how its done people !
6 : The Terminator – Best one yet
7 : The amazing spider man – Again , well played , Funny stuff
8 : The simpsons – A-
9 : House of wax – Looks creepier than the movie cover
10 : The shining – don’t get it , move on
11 : Guardians of the galaxy – has nothing to do with the cover , but holding to these logs is funny
12 : amazing ! The 40 year old virgin at its best
13 : 300 – or should i say Gay300 – really good
14 : Captain american – look at the hair , everything fits perfectly , we have a winner
15 : Pacific rim – like the spongebob addition
Source : imgur