When a person’s intention is to help people who are in need, money is never an issue. Deficient in finances can never be a hindrance to someone with a generous heart to give and help out. We’ve seen and read many stories about people with compassionate heart providing assistance and giving free food, free wash, etc to homeless people and it may be temporal and for a season, but seeing them with smile on their faces is such a heartwarming experience.
Street poles in Halifax, Nova Scotia which are tied with coats and warmers have recently been a fascinating spectacle for its local residents. It literally draws people’s attention and somehow made them wonder. Initially, people may think these coats are misplaced, but if they would carefully look at it, they would read a note attached to the coats that state, “We’re not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, please take me to keep warm!” Tara Smith-Atkins who is behind this brilliant idea, devout herself in helping the homeless brave to cope up with the winter’s extreme cold temperatures. She seeks help from the community to give out their old jackets and invites the children to assist her on tying them to street poles for those who need it. It also includes muffs, gloves, and scarves.
Smith-Atkins is in the same way teaching these kids who are tying these warmer garments to the poles with such a very significant reason why they are doing such things for the homeless. She taught them, “When we got back in the car after an hour on the street, they were all freezing and crying for the heater to be on and complaining because they were cold. And they were bundled up.” This woman here is such a blessing for these people that she didn’t mind what other people will say about her. Aside from that, she is showing a very good epitome for the kids whom she is also teaching.
Her plan next year is to include a $5 worth of a voucher in each pocket of jacket for the wearer to buy themselves a cup of tea, coffee, or hot meals.
Source: MyModernMet | All photos credit: Tara Smith-Atkins